This Privacy Policy of

S M Jewellers and the

User is effective as on 15th October 2023




      S M Jewellers an Indian company incorporated as per the

provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, having its registered office at ,BIKANER (“Jeweller”, “We”, “Are”, “Us”,

“Our”) are committed to protecting You privacy and grant importance to the confidentiality of Your data over internet. We conduct

our business by abiding by the laws applicable on data privacy and data security in the country. 


  This document is published and shall be construed in accordance with the

provisions of the Information

Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and

Sensitive Personal Data

of Information) Rules, 2011, under Information

Technology Act, 2000,

that require publishing of the Privacy Policy for

collection, use, storage

and transfer of sensitive personal data or information.


  This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) shall apply to all persons using

or accessing

(“Users”, “You” or

“Your”) any or all products, services, features or

content offered on the

mobile application or the website “S M Jewellers (“Platform”).


  This Privacy Policy is intended to inform You about the personal

information that is

collected from You, how

Your personal data may be used and disclosed, how You

can control the use of

Your personal data, and how Your personal data is

protected when You use

the Platform.


  Use of this Platform is available to persons who can enter into legally


contracts under the

Indian Contract Act, 1872, or We presume adequate and

lawful parental consent

in case the personal information is shared by a User

under the age of 18

(eighteen) years.


  This Privacy Policy is a legally binding document between You and the

Jeweller. The

terms of this Privacy

Policy will be effective upon Your acceptance of the same

(directly or indirectly

in electronic form, by clicking on the “I

accept” tab or by use of the

Platform or by other

means) and will govern the relationship between You and

the Jeweller, for Your

use of the Platform.


  By accessing the Platform, You expressly consent to Our collection,

storage, use

and disclosure of the

Information (as defined hereunder) in accordance with the

terms of this Privacy



    The information about the User is collected by Us as (i)

information supplied by

Users; (ii) information

automatically tracked during User’s navigation on the

Platform; and/ or (iii)

communicated directly to Us via e-mail or

telephone or another



  For any service that User may use, We only collect the data that is


necessary (i) for the

delivery of the services, (ii) for the performance of a

contract for which User

is a party, (iii) for which User has given consent for

such processing of data,

or (iv) for compliance with a legal obligation to

which We are subject.

1.10.     This

Privacy Policy does not require any physical, electronic or digital signature

and is a legally binding

document between the User and Us.



Information that We collect

2.1.     If

You visit Our Platform just to browse, read pages, download information or You

register for our

services, Your browser automatically transmits to Us following


information using various technologies, such as cookies, tags,

and web beacons

(including but not limited to):


Your computer’s Internet Protocol Address (IP);


Domain servers;

2.1.3.    Web

pages and links You visit, advertisements You view;

2.1.4.    Your

bandwidth speed and information about the about the software programs

that are installed on

Your computer;


Standard server log information;


Other information with respect to User’s device, operating system, interaction


User device with the

Platform and applications. (“Web

Browser Information”);


2.1.7.    The

above listed Web Browser Information cannot and does not identify You



Details that You provide to Us in order to use Our services:


Contact data (such as name, address, email address, phone number and date of


2.2.2.    Copy

of Aadhaar Card information You may provide as proof of identity or address for

KYC processes;


About Your location such as time zone, postal address and location details) to

provide You better &

prompt customer service;

2.2.4.    If

the User communicates with Us by, for example, e-mail or letter, any

information provided in

such communication may be collected by Us;

2.2.5.    Your

photo if You choose to add one to Your profile on Platform; and


Information from Your smartphone as per app store/play store policies. You

authorize Us to

have access to this

information and You agree that We may collect and use this

information in

accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Access the file storage for saving the receipt of the purchases:


Financial data (such as account details, e-wallet details, bank account or

credit or

debit card details or

other payment instrument details etc.) [or credit score]

that User may have

provided Us. We work with multiple payment processors who

store these details in

encrypted format. All Our payment processors are Payment

Card Industry Data

Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliant; and


Personal information stored with third parties that You choose to provide to

Us, such as

Your social media

account information and Your social media contacts. By

linking Your third-party

accounts or using third party sign-in services, You

authorize Us to have

access to this information and You agree that We may

collect and use this

information only in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


  All such information is stored or used for processing orders and under no

circumstance are any of

these details made available in the public domain.

However, We may use this

information to share with You additional and/ or

upcoming information

regarding the services Platform in accordance with this

Privacy Policy.


  If You choose not to provide Your Personal Information that is mandatory to process Your request, We may not be able to honour Your request.


3.    Cookies and Web Beacons:


  To improve the responsiveness of the sites for our users, We may use cookies, or similar electronic tools to collect information to assign each visitor a unique, random number as a User Identification (User ID) to understand the User's individual interests using the Identified Computer. Unless You voluntarily identify

Yourself (through registration, for example), We will have no way of knowing who

You are, even if we assign a cookie to Your computer. The only personal information a cookie can contain is information You supply (an example of this is when

You ask for our Personalised Horoscope). A cookie cannot read data off Your hard drive. Our advertisers may also assign their own cookies to Your browser

(if You click on their ads), a process that we do not control.


  Our Platform and emails may use web beacons in conjunction with cookies to compile statistics about site usage. Web beacons are small pieces of code (also called pixels) that are embedded on the pages of websites/ Platform or emails. We do not use web beacons to collect personal identifiable information about visitors. We may use these technical methods to analyze the Platform’s performance and reliability data such as timing (e.g., page load) metrics on our sites. We may also use web beacons in HTML emails that we send subscribers who have opted in to receive email from us, to determine whether our recipients have opened those emails and/or clicked on links in those emails.


4.    How We use Your Information


  For providing You services:


  To allow our professionals, business partners to assist us with providing services to You, to connect with

You to provide their services/products You may specifically consent to be contacted for;

4.1.2.    To avoid fraud and other prohibited or illegal activities;

4.1.3.    To respond to authorized information requests from governmental authorities or when otherwise required

by law;

4.1.4.    To enforce the legal terms (including without limitation Our policies) that govern

Your use of Our Platform, and/or for the purposes for which You provided the Information;

4.1.5.    To protect the security or integrity of the Platform, Our business, services and other Users; and/or

4.1.6.    To verify the provided information, either through internal mechanisms or through

authorised third parties.


  For Advertising:

4.2.1.    To contact You and to customise Our communication with You and the marketing

material we share with


4.2.2.    To use Your information to provide You with product and service updates,

newsletters and other communications about existing and/or new products and

services by post, email, telephone, in-device messaging and/or text message

(SMS), if You have provided Your prior consent or we are otherwise permitted to do so under applicable



  For the purposes of reviews:

4.3.1.    Where You have uploaded product reviews, comments or content to our websites or Platform and made them publicly visible, Platform may link to, publish or publicize these materials elsewhere including in our own advertisements.


  We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to third parties Your

Information. This does not include trusted third parties who assist Us in operating Our Platform,

conducting Our business, or servicing You. When we provide Your Personal Information to

individuals and entities which assist us with Our business activities, it is Our practice to require those individuals and entities to keep such Information

confidential and to use Your Personal Information only to perform services.



Disclosure and Information sharing


  We share the sensitive personal information to any third party without


the prior consent of the

User in the following limited circumstances:

4.1.1     When

it is requested or required by law or by any court or governmental agency or

authority to disclose,

for the purpose of verification of identity, or for the

prevention, detection,

investigation including cyber incidents, or for

prosecution and

punishment of offences. These disclosures are made in good

faith and belief that

such disclosure is reasonably necessary for enforcing

these Terms; for

complying with the applicable laws and regulations.


  We propose to share such information within its group companies and

officers and

employees of such group

companies for the purpose of processing personal

information on its

behalf. We also ensure that these recipients of such

information agree to

process such information based on our instructions and in

compliance with this

Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality

and security measures.

4.1.3     We shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the

confidentiality of Your information is maintained by imposing strict

confidentiality standards on all the third parties with whom We part this

information. In all circumstances, We shall ensure that Your Personal

Information is protected by strict confidentiality agreement.

4.1.4     We

do not disclose Your Personal Information to any advertisers or any third party

for their marketing and

advertising purposes without Your explicit consent.

4.1.5     We

use Users Personal Information to display relevant promotions and marketing

offers, based on his/her preferences.


6.    Security


  Technology used in the processing of personal data is in accordance with


accepted or certified



  Legitimate interests of businesses including any innovation is achieved


compromising privacy



  Privacy is protected throughout processing of Information, from the

point of collection

to deletion of personal



  We have put in place

reasonable physical and technical measures to safeguard the information we

collect in connection with the Services.


  All information gathered on Our Platform


securely stored within our controlled database. The database is stored on

servers secured behind a firewall; access to the servers is password-protected

and is strictly limited.


  This Personal Information is immediately deleted once User deletes the Platform or deletes his account exclusively

made on the Platform,

except to the extent it is necessary to store the same under applicable laws.


  Although We make best possible efforts to store Personal Information in

a secure

operating environment

that is not open to the public, User must understand that

there is no such thing

as complete security, and We do not guarantee that there

will be no unintended

disclosures of Personal Information. If We become aware

that Users Personal

Information has been disclosed in a manner not in

accordance with this

Privacy Policy, We will use reasonable efforts to notify

such User of the nature

and extent of such disclosure as soon as reasonably

possible and as

permitted by law.


7.    How long

do we hold information Retention of Personal

Information will vary

depending on the purposes that it was collected for, as

well as the requirements

of any applicable law or regulation. We may retain

Your Personal

Information to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect any

fees owed, resolve

disputes, troubleshoot problems, enforce our general terms

of use, and take other

actions as permitted by law and as required to provide

the Service. Once the

purpose is satisfied or the legally mandated period has

expired, we will

securely delete Your Personal Information.


8.    Third

Party Links

7.1   Our Platform may contain links to third party

websites or applications. The User agrees and

understands that privacy

policies of these websites are not under Our control

and the User understands

that once he/she leaves Our servers, use of any

information provided by

the User or Your Personal Information shall be governed

by the privacy policy of

the operator of the site used by him/her.

7.2   When the User

accesses another website through a link or a URL available on the Platform, this Privacy Policy does not apply

anymore. We shall in no way be responsible in any way for Your use of such

sites. We highly

recommend you to carefully read the terms and conditions, privacy policies of

such other 3rd party links to know details regarding the Personal Data

collected, stored and processed by such links.

7.3   We are not

responsible for the content or the privacy polices of third-party websites.




8.1 As we update,

improve and expand the Platform, We may update this Privacy Policy. We will

notify You of the

changes and any access/use of the Platform subsequent to such

notification will imply

You have agreed to the modified terms of the Policy.

8.2  We will not be

responsible for the accuracy or filtration of any of the content posted

on Our Platform by any

user, however, We will be entitled to remove any content

posted by any user on

Our Platform which We, at Our sole discretion, consider


discriminatory, racist, defamatory, inappropriate in nature or



10. Your Rights You have

the right in certain circumstances to:

9.1 Withdraw Your

consent where You have given Your consent to us to use Your Personal

Information for certain

purposes. You have the right to withdraw this consent

at any time by

contacting us in writing using the contact details set out in

the “Contact Us”

section. This will not affect the lawfulness of any use of

Your information that We

make before You withdraw Your consent. Further, We

will have the option to

stop providing You services for which the said

information was sought.

9.2  Access and

review the Personal Information You have provided to Us. If the review

reveals that Personal

Information has been recorded incorrectly or is

incomplete You may

contact us via e-mail at the details as set out in the

“Contact Us” section

below to correct any such inaccuracies;

9.3 Restrict the

processing of Your Personal Information if one of the following applies to


9.3.1     You

contest the accuracy of the information that we hold about You, while we verify

its accuracy;

9.3.2     We

have used Your information unlawfully, but You request us to restrict its use

instead of erasing it;

9.3.3     We

no longer need the information for the purpose for which we collected it, but

You need it to deal with

a legal claim; or

9.3.4     You

have objected to us using Your information, while we check whether our

legitimate grounds override

Your right to object.

9.4 Object to the

processing of Your Personal Information on the basis of our



9.5 Require us to erase

Your Personal Information without undue delay if one of the

following applies,

unless it is necessary to use Your Personal Information

to comply with a legal

obligation or to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim: 

9.5.1     the

information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we collected it;

9.5.2     You

object to us using Your information: for the purposes of understanding the

visitors to the Platform and there are no overriding

legitimate grounds for the processing;

9.5.3     You

unsubscribe from our marketing communications;

9.5.4     We

have used Your information unlawfully;

9.5.5     the

information must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation to which we

are subject.

9.6 Port Your Personal

Information under certain circumstances.


11. Contact Us

Name of the Jeweller: VB


Contact Number: 9890008220

Registered Address: Ganj Golai, Saraf Line, Latur, Maharashtra -



Deletion Details. 
  1)Steps to Delete : Select the sandwich menu option
seen on top left side of the homepage.
    A side bar menu will slide out. In that,
the last option should be the 'Account Deletion' option.

  2) All the user related content will be disabled.



This Privacy Policy of

VB Gold Latur and the

User is effective as on 15th October 2023




      VB Gold an Indian company incorporated as per the

provisions of the Companies


2013, having its registered office at ,Latur (“Jeweller”, “We”, “Are”, “Us”,

“Our”) are committed to protecting You privacy and grant importance to the

confidentiality of Your data over internet. We conduct


business by abiding by the laws applicable on data privacy and data


in the country. 


  This document is published and shall be construed in accordance with the


of the Information

Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and

Sensitive Personal Data

of Information) Rules, 2011, under Information

Technology Act, 2000,

that require publishing of the Privacy Policy for

collection, use, storage

and transfer of sensitive personal data or information.


  This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) shall apply to all persons using

or accessing

(“Users”, “You” or

“Your”) any or all products, services, features or

content offered on the

mobile application or the website “VB Gold” (“Platform”).


  This Privacy Policy is intended to inform You about the personal

information that is

collected from You, how

Your personal data may be used and disclosed, how You

can control the use of

Your personal data, and how Your personal data is

protected when You use

the Platform.


  Use of this Platform is available to persons who can enter into legally


contracts under the

Indian Contract Act, 1872, or We presume adequate and

lawful parental consent

in case the personal information is shared by a User

under the age of 18

(eighteen) years.


  This Privacy Policy is a legally binding document between You and the

Jeweller. The

terms of this Privacy

Policy will be effective upon Your acceptance of the same

(directly or indirectly

in electronic form, by clicking on the “I

accept” tab or by use of the

Platform or by other

means) and will govern the relationship between You and

the Jeweller, for Your

use of the Platform.


  By accessing the Platform, You expressly consent to Our collection,

storage, use

and disclosure of the

Information (as defined hereunder) in accordance with the

terms of this Privacy



    The information about the User is collected by Us as (i)

information supplied by

Users; (ii) information

automatically tracked during User’s navigation on the

Platform; and/ or (iii)

communicated directly to Us via e-mail or

telephone or another



  For any service that User may use, We only collect the data that is


necessary (i) for the

delivery of the services, (ii) for the performance of a

contract for which User

is a party, (iii) for which User has given consent for

such processing of data,

or (iv) for compliance with a legal obligation to

which We are subject.

1.10.     This

Privacy Policy does not require any physical, electronic or digital signature

and is a legally binding

document between the User and Us.



Information that We collect

2.1.     If

You visit Our Platform just to browse, read pages, download information or You

register for our

services, Your browser automatically transmits to Us following


information using various technologies, such as cookies, tags,

and web beacons

(including but not limited to):


Your computer’s Internet Protocol Address (IP);


Domain servers;

2.1.3.    Web

pages and links You visit, advertisements You view;

2.1.4.    Your

bandwidth speed and information about the about the software programs

that are installed on

Your computer;


Standard server log information;


Other information with respect to User’s device, operating system, interaction


User device with the

Platform and applications. (“Web

Browser Information”);


2.1.7.    The

above listed Web Browser Information cannot and does not identify You



Details that You provide to Us in order to use Our services:


Contact data (such as name, address, email address, phone number and date of


2.2.2.    Copy

of Aadhaar Card information You may provide as proof of identity or address for

KYC processes;


About Your location such as time zone, postal address and location details) to

provide You better &

prompt customer service;

2.2.4.    If

the User communicates with Us by, for example, e-mail or letter, any

information provided in

such communication may be collected by Us;

2.2.5.    Your

photo if You choose to add one to Your profile on Platform; and


Information from Your smartphone as per app store/play store policies. You

authorize Us to

have access to this

information and You agree that We may collect and use this

information in

accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Access the file storage for saving the receipt of the purchases:


Financial data (such as account details, e-wallet details, bank account or

credit or

debit card details or

other payment instrument details etc.) [or credit score]

that User may have

provided Us. We work with multiple payment processors who

store these details in

encrypted format. All Our payment processors are Payment

Card Industry Data

Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliant; and


Personal information stored with third parties that You choose to provide to

Us, such as

Your social media

account information and Your social media contacts. By

linking Your third-party

accounts or using third party sign-in services, You

authorize Us to have

access to this information and You agree that We may

collect and use this

information only in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


  All such information is stored or used for processing orders and under no

circumstance are any of

these details made available in the public domain.

However, We may use this

information to share with You additional and/ or

upcoming information

regarding the services Platform in accordance with this

Privacy Policy.


  If You choose not to provide Your Personal Information that is mandatory


process Your request, We

may not be able to honour Your request.


3.    Cookies

and Web Beacons:


  To improve the responsiveness of the sites for our users, We may use

cookies, or

similar electronic tools

to collect information to assign each visitor a

unique, random number as

a User Identification (User ID) to understand the

User's individual

interests using the Identified Computer. Unless You

voluntarily identify

Yourself (through registration, for example), We will have

no way of knowing who

You are, even if we assign a cookie to Your computer. The

only personal

information a cookie can contain is information You supply (an

example of this is when

You ask for our Personalised Horoscope). A cookie

cannot read data off

Your hard drive. Our advertisers may also assign their own

cookies to Your browser

(if You click on their ads), a process that we do not



  Our Platform and

emails may use web beacons in conjunction with cookies to compile

statistics about site

usage. Web beacons are small pieces of code (also called

pixels) that are

embedded on the pages of websites/

Platform or

emails. We do not use

web beacons to collect personal identifiable information

about visitors. We

may use these

technical methods to analyze the Platform’s

performance and

reliability data such as timing (e.g., page load) metrics on

our sites. We may also

use web beacons in HTML emails that we send subscribers

who have opted in to

receive email from us, to determine whether our recipients

have opened those

emails and/or clicked on links in those emails.


4.    How We

use Your Information


  For providing You services:


  To allow our professionals, business partners to assist us with

providing services

to You, to connect with

You to provide their services/products You may

specifically consent to

be contacted for;

4.1.2.    To

avoid fraud and other prohibited or illegal activities;

4.1.3.    To

respond to authorized information requests from governmental authorities or

when otherwise required

by law;

4.1.4.    To

enforce the legal terms (including without limitation Our policies) that govern

Your use of Our

Platform, and/or for the purposes for which You provided the


4.1.5.    To

protect the security or integrity of the Platform, Our business, services and

other Users; and/or

4.1.6.    To

verify the provided information, either through internal mechanisms or through

authorised third parties.


  For Advertising:

4.2.1.    To

contact You and to customise Our communication with You and the marketing

material we share with


4.2.2.    To

use Your information to provide You with product and service updates,

newsletters and other

communications about existing and/or new products and

services by post, email,

telephone, in-device messaging and/or text message

(SMS), if You have

provided Your prior consent or we are otherwise permitted to

do so under applicable



  For the

purposes of reviews:

4.3.1.    Where

You have uploaded product reviews, comments or content to our websites or Platform and made them publicly visible, Platform may link to, publish or publicize

these materials

elsewhere including in our own advertisements.


  We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to third parties Your


This does not include

trusted third parties who assist Us in operating Our Platform,

conducting Our business,

or servicing You. When we provide Your Personal

Information to

individuals and entities which assist us with Our business

activities, it is Our

practice to require those individuals and entities to

keep such Information

confidential and to use Your Personal Information only to

perform services.



Disclosure and Information sharing


  We share the sensitive personal information to any third party without


the prior consent of the

User in the following limited circumstances:

4.1.1     When

it is requested or required by law or by any court or governmental agency or

authority to disclose,

for the purpose of verification of identity, or for the

prevention, detection,

investigation including cyber incidents, or for

prosecution and

punishment of offences. These disclosures are made in good

faith and belief that

such disclosure is reasonably necessary for enforcing

these Terms; for

complying with the applicable laws and regulations.


  We propose to share such information within its group companies and

officers and

employees of such group

companies for the purpose of processing personal

information on its

behalf. We also ensure that these recipients of such

information agree to

process such information based on our instructions and in

compliance with this

Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality

and security measures.

4.1.3     We shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the

confidentiality of Your information is maintained by imposing strict

confidentiality standards on all the third parties with whom We part this

information. In all circumstances, We shall ensure that Your Personal

Information is protected by strict confidentiality agreement.

4.1.4     We

do not disclose Your Personal Information to any advertisers or any third party

for their marketing and

advertising purposes without Your explicit consent.

4.1.5     We

use Users Personal Information to display relevant promotions and marketing

offers, based on his/her preferences.


6.    Security


  Technology used in the processing of personal data is in accordance with


accepted or certified



  Legitimate interests of businesses including any innovation is achieved


compromising privacy



  Privacy is protected throughout processing of Information, from the

point of collection

to deletion of personal



  We have put in place

reasonable physical and technical measures to safeguard the information we

collect in connection with the Services.


  All information gathered on Our Platform


securely stored within our controlled database. The database is stored on

servers secured behind a firewall; access to the servers is password-protected

and is strictly limited.


  This Personal Information is immediately deleted once User deletes the Platform or deletes his account exclusively

made on the Platform,

except to the extent it is necessary to store the same under applicable laws.


  Although We make best possible efforts to store Personal Information in

a secure

operating environment

that is not open to the public, User must understand that

there is no such thing

as complete security, and We do not guarantee that there

will be no unintended

disclosures of Personal Information. If We become aware

that Users Personal

Information has been disclosed in a manner not in

accordance with this

Privacy Policy, We will use reasonable efforts to notify

such User of the nature

and extent of such disclosure as soon as reasonably

possible and as

permitted by law.


7.    How long

do we hold information Retention of Personal

Information will vary

depending on the purposes that it was collected for, as

well as the requirements

of any applicable law or regulation. We may retain

Your Personal

Information to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect any

fees owed, resolve

disputes, troubleshoot problems, enforce our general terms

of use, and take other

actions as permitted by law and as required to provide

the Service. Once the

purpose is satisfied or the legally mandated period has

expired, we will

securely delete Your Personal Information.


8.    Third

Party Links

7.1   Our Platform may contain links to third party

websites or applications. The User agrees and

understands that privacy

policies of these websites are not under Our control

and the User understands

that once he/she leaves Our servers, use of any

information provided by

the User or Your Personal Information shall be governed

by the privacy policy of

the operator of the site used by him/her.

7.2   When the User

accesses another website through a link or a URL available on the Platform, this Privacy Policy does not apply

anymore. We shall in no way be responsible in any way for Your use of such

sites. We highly

recommend you to carefully read the terms and conditions, privacy policies of

such other 3rd party links to know details regarding the Personal Data

collected, stored and processed by such links.

7.3   We are not

responsible for the content or the privacy polices of third-party websites.




8.1 As we update,

improve and expand the Platform, We may update this Privacy Policy. We will

notify You of the

changes and any access/use of the Platform subsequent to such

notification will imply

You have agreed to the modified terms of the Policy.

8.2  We will not be

responsible for the accuracy or filtration of any of the content posted

on Our Platform by any

user, however, We will be entitled to remove any content

posted by any user on

Our Platform which We, at Our sole discretion, consider


discriminatory, racist, defamatory, inappropriate in nature or



10. Your Rights You have

the right in certain circumstances to:

9.1 Withdraw Your

consent where You have given Your consent to us to use Your Personal

Information for certain

purposes. You have the right to withdraw this consent

at any time by

contacting us in writing using the contact details set out in

the “Contact Us”

section. This will not affect the lawfulness of any use of

Your information that We

make before You withdraw Your consent. Further, We

will have the option to

stop providing You services for which the said

information was sought.

9.2  Access and

review the Personal Information You have provided to Us. If the review

reveals that Personal

Information has been recorded incorrectly or is

incomplete You may

contact us via e-mail at the details as set out in the

“Contact Us” section

below to correct any such inaccuracies;

9.3 Restrict the

processing of Your Personal Information if one of the following applies to


9.3.1     You

contest the accuracy of the information that we hold about You, while we verify

its accuracy;

9.3.2     We

have used Your information unlawfully, but You request us to restrict its use

instead of erasing it;

9.3.3     We

no longer need the information for the purpose for which we collected it, but

You need it to deal with

a legal claim; or

9.3.4     You

have objected to us using Your information, while we check whether our

legitimate grounds override

Your right to object.

9.4 Object to the

processing of Your Personal Information on the basis of our



9.5 Require us to erase

Your Personal Information without undue delay if one of the

following applies,

unless it is necessary to use Your Personal Information

to comply with a legal

obligation or to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim: 

9.5.1     the

information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we collected it;

9.5.2     You

object to us using Your information: for the purposes of understanding the

visitors to the Platform and there are no overriding

legitimate grounds for the processing;

9.5.3     You

unsubscribe from our marketing communications;

9.5.4     We

have used Your information unlawfully;

9.5.5     the

information must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation to which we

are subject.

9.6 Port Your Personal

Information under certain circumstances.


11. Contact Us

Name of the Jeweller: S M Jewellers

Contact Number___________________________

Address : _________________________________________________


Deletion Details. 
  1)Steps to Delete : Select the sandwich menu option
seen on top left side of the homepage.
    A side bar menu will slide out. In that,
the last option should be the 'Account Deletion' option.

  2) All the user related content will be disabled.